Duties and Responsabilities: Chiropractor also refer new or recurring patients of diagnosis or care from other medical providers. If a new patient comes in complaining of back issues, for instance, he may be sent for X-rays.Chiropractors sometimes collaborate in ongoing rehabilitation care with physical therapists and doctors. Additionally, chiropractors may have office administration duties.
Salary: How much does a chiropractor make, the median annual chiropractor salary is a $139,514, as of august 29, 2016, with a range usually between $118, 551- $192, 320, however this can very widely depending on a variety of factors.
Education: Logan university is a leader in chiropractor and health sciences education. Logan is constantly improving the educational experience to offer a more robust and comprehensive student experience. Logan's students benefit from a rigorous and dynamic learning environment, setting the bar for board exam pass rates that exceed national averages.
Demand for this profession: The number of jobs, 2014 45,200 job outlook, 2014-24 (17% much faster than average).
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